
DND bio and character info

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When a human breeds with a werewolf there is a 50% chance the child will be human, a 45%
chance it will be a werewolf, and a 5% chance it will be a Half-Wolf. Half-wolve's posses traits of
humans and wolves, and are subsequently quite rare, especially in cities. However, sometimes,
a slum or ghetto can be a more than suitable hunting ground for the Half-wolves, seeing as they can
suppress their beastly instincts better than pureblood werewolves, but city half-wolves are
generally evil, as they are forced to survive to survive off of beggars and whores, if they survive at
all. They are by no means mindless savages, as they can co-exist with the other races, but they are
prone to feral aggression, if they or their 'pack' is threatened
They will gladly dwell where their pack does, but forests and plains are their ideal.
Half-wolves who are desperately seeking a place to belong may become religious; sometimes it
works, and gives them the 'pack' they strive for

Half-wolve's posses a subconscious desire to seek out a pack. The occurrence of half-wolves is
rare, and most will never acquire a true 'pack' of their own, as they belong to neither man, as they
are partially animal, or werewolf, as Half-wolves do not possess the ability to shape shift.
Generally, the closest a Half-wolf will ever get to the elusive 'pack' they yearn for is their
adventuring party, who they will stick with at all times. Naturally, sometimes mistakenly, they
expect the same loyalty in return.

Half wolves are usually of medium build, looking quite similar to humans except for the fact that
their hairs are growing much faster, they tend to posses powerful claws, sharper hearing, a better
sense of smell and a furry tail usually between 2 and 3 feet. Their mainly carnivorous diet has
caused them to posses sharp, canine teeth, ideal for tearing meat. They tend to be a more
licentious, stronger, and more muscular than humans, due to their lifestyle of hunting and eating
humanoids or animals

They are too sparse for any one race to form a strong opinion about them, but forest dwelling
elves seem to hate them

A Half-wolf's alignment relies heavily on the alignment of it's pack (party). For example, a chaotic
evil half-wolf will find kinship in an evil party, while a chaotic good half-wolf will travel with a good
party. Most half wolves are chaotic/neutral, as their nature inclines them towards doing anything
to survive. This nature will not force a blatantly good half-wolf to eat a baby, but it will cause it to
steal or do other minor evil acts.

Since half-wolves are a purely human occurrence, they speak common, but can 'converse' with
wolves and dogs, to an extent.

• +4 STR +2 DEX -4 WIS -2 CHA: Because of their animalistic heritage they are much stronger then a
regular human. They are also faster and more agile; however, they act on impulse and don't have
great common sense and find little use in book learning.

• Humanoid (wolf): Their viciously pointed teeth, wicked claws, furry tail and wolf-like eyes betray
their true nature.

• Size: Medium: Half wolves gain no penalties or bonuses due to size

• Half-wolf Base land speed is 40 feet: don't have any penalties when on difficult terrain created by
brush or trees or other terrain.

• Because of their wolfish attributes, they gain a +4 bonus to Search, Spot and Listen checks.
However, they receive a -5 penalty to Diplomacy and Disguise checks with humans and - strangely
- elves. They have natural weapons; claws and bite.

• 2 claws +4 melee (1d4+2) and bite +0 melee (1d6+1)

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• Scent: gains the scent feat as an extra

• Automatic Languages Common. Bonus Languages Any (other than secret languages, such as

• Favored Class: Ranger and Fighter. When deciding if this race takes an experience point penalty
neither fighter nor ranger counts.

• Wolf Empathy (Ex): Communicate with wolves and dire wolves, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-
based checks against wolves and dire wolves.

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Semihora, or semi for short, was born on the outskirts of a small town where he grew up, and until
the age if 16 he was raised by his human mother who tried her best to shield him from the evils of
the world. Despite her best efforts though Semi was constantly being reminded of how much
he blatantly stood out in the world. It seemed as though every time he went into town
he would somehow "accidently" be dowsed with water from a cleaning bucket being emptied from a second
story window, or a vendor would throw out a piece of over ripe fruit/vegetable and it would
"accidently" hit him in the head, and more than once was he "accidently" hit by a rock that the
elfish children seemed to like passing to each other. The only time something didn't happen was
when his mother was there.  Semi knew that these weren't idle accidents that the people were
doing these things to him on purpose, he also knew that they did it because of who his father was,
a werewolf. he wasn't always a werewolf though, he used to be a lawfully good ranger and a good
one at that, but on one night not long before Semi was conceived there was an attack on the town
and he was injured by its claws while protecting semi's mother, he did not know that the
werewolf's saliva entered the wound thus infecting him. Semi was conceived a few weeks later
and the lycanthrope genes were passed. When Semi's father realized what he had become, after
he killed a group of travelers that he was supposed to be escorting to another town, his lawful
sense of duty would not allow him to live. Suicide was not an option for him though so he asked
the only person he could trust to carry out the deed. it was the hardest thing Semi's mother ever
had to do, she often told stories about his father and how great a man he used to be, the stories
of adventure thrilled Semi to no end. Semi never told his mother about the things that would happen
to him while in town nor would he tell her about the things he did to get payback. the
women who threw water on him would find a large (non poisonous) snake in her room, the
vendor throwing over ripe produce would find that  one of the wheels on his cart either missing,
loose enough to fall off when its full and being pushed, or completely destroyed. The elfish
children well they found out those rocks can be thrown both ways and he is really good with
throwing things. The skills he got in throwing he gained from a young monk named Samarra
whose life he saved while he was taking a walk through the woods. Every once in a while Samarra
would come into town on her way back to the monastery to resupply. On that one particular day
however the fates didn't seem to be with her. On her way to the town she strayed off the path for
a shortcut and wasn't paying attention to where she was going she ended up falling down a steep
cliff into some bushes. The bushes broke her fall and eased the damage she gained from it, but it
had poisonous barbs that drained her constitution and intelligence. She didn't have any antitoxin
left because she used it on some travelers that she passed by the day before, so she healed up the
best she could and continued walking. She almost made it back to the path when she became
surrounded by a pack of wolves. Normally a pack of wolves would not be a problem for her she
would just use her KI to intimidate them, but the poison was affecting her ability to concentrate
and she would have to fight, the poison also lowered her health significantly and she used up her
last medical kit. She squared off with the wolves waiting to which would attack first when her luck
changed for the better. A young boy from the village who happened to be a half wolf was walking
by at the same time and he was able to convince the wolves to back off and let her through.
Samarra was ever so thankful for the boy, who at the time was only 6 years old. she decided to
teach him a few thing about weaponry mainly the kinds you throw, and every time she came into
town she would help Semi with his throwing abilities she even gave him a set of shuriken that he
can use to practice and to protect himself with. As the years went on when ever Semi wasn't
practicing his throws or helping his mother out with errands he would be training with his father's
old ranger gear so that one day he could be a ranger as well, he enjoyed hitting trees with the
morning star or slashing at shrubs and bushes with the short sword and long sword sometimes
even both, but even though he was somewhat proficient using these weapons what he excelled
at was archery he could hit targets with deadly accuracy at the furthest most point that the bow
could hit, and when he got old enough he would even wear his father's old armor. At the age of 16
he became an adult and it was that year that he was planning on leaving home to go adventuring
like his father did but a couple months before his planned leave date tragedy befell him. As he was
gathering supplies in town for the coming winter when he suddenly felt a sense of dread and he
couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He tried his best to ignore it but it wouldn't
go away. It just so happened that his monk friend was in town that day and he told her about his
feeling. Having much experience in that sort of thing she immediately becomes weary and asks
where he felt it coming from, at this his eyes go wide and he runs off in the direction of his home
with the word "mother" leaving his lips, Samarra not being as fast as the desperate half wolf
follows as best as she could. When she gets to his home she finds him squared off with five dire
wolves with three more already dead at his feat. Behind him is his mother mortally wounded and
near death. Samarra kneels by her and applies a healing salve to the wounds hoping that they
weren't too late and joins Semi in battle using superior hand to hand techniques ability to dodge
to aid him in dispatching the remaining dire wolves. After killing the wolves Semi kneels next to his
mother hoping that the monks salve worked, but alas they arrived too late the damage was too
extreme and no amount of healing remedies that the monk possessed would fully stabilize her. His
mother knowing that she was dying looked up into her son's eyes. She smiled as she told him how
much she loved him. She told him about how proud she was of him and the man he turned out to
be despite the cruelty he faced in town. She told him how he looked like his father and that he
would have been proud by how he fought today, and with her last breath the last thing she tells
him is "goodbye my son I love you" and she passes on with the smile never leaving her face. While
his mother was speaking Semihora was hanging onto every word she spoke because he knew that
in his heart that he would never hear her speak again. When she finally said goodbye and he could
no longer hear her heart beating he finally said "goodbye mother" then burst into tears.  While
Semi was with his mother during her last moments Samarra stood back and watched while saying
a small prayer for her, she gave Semi about an hour to mourn before offering to help him with the
funeral ceremony and perform the burial rites for her. Samarra stays for another three days after
completing the rites and at the end of the third day she comes to Semi and makes him an offer to
join her as a traveling companion knowing that he wanted to be an adventurer any way. After
some thought he agrees and visits his mother's grave to leave some flowers before leaving.
They spend the next seven years traveling together going from monastery to monastery and town to
town meeting many types of creatures from good to evil. It came as a surprise for Samarra to
learn that Semi knew how to speak not only common but Elven and Dwarven as well, he learned
Elven so he could understand the insults that they were calling him as well as say a few back and
see their mouths drop. he learned Dwarven from an old dwarf who for some reason didn't care
that he was a half wolf. When Semihora became 23 Samarra was offered a job in the monastery's
hierarchy and much to semi's displeasure she accepted giving Semi her thanks for staying with her
for all those years. Although he knew that it was inevitable for Samarra to be promoted and would
no longer have to travel he still felt a little saddened because now he was alone for the first time
and he would have to find his own way through the world.

Semihora travels alone for three more years using an explorer's outfit to disguise his more wolfish
features. Sometimes it worked and he would be able to converse normally with others but other
times they would see through his disguise and be very weary of him. In those three years Semi
worked as an escort, constantly traveling with different parties to get them safely to another
town. He learned that not all beings can be trusted since more than one time a party that he was
escorting would try to shortchange him on his service charge; these people would mysteriously
become ill the next day.
this is my character bio for my half wolf ranger as well as information on what a half wolf is
© 2012 - 2024 dragonfire238
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